Backyard Chickens May Soon Be Allowed In Clovis, Council Approves Study of Proposal

Chickens are now one step closer to being allowed in the backyard of homeowners within the city. In a 4-1 vote, the City Council gave staff the greenlight to explore an ordinance amendment. If approved, it would allow for residents to keep chickens in their backyards.

Councilmember Bob Whalen had city staff introduce this change after speaking with his brother-in-law and learning of some of the potential benefits of having chickens like self-sufficiency and giving young kids the opportunity to learn about where their food comes.

Four people from the public spoke in favor of the change, either through a written message or speaking to the council in person.

Councilmember Lynn Ashbeck, the only no vote on the motion said she was concerned with the impact it would have on calls for service from either animal control or the Clovis Police Department.

“I’m opposed to anything that remotely has a chance of increasing calls for service,” Ashbeck said.

George Rodriguez, the Police Services Manager told the City Council that “calls for service for animals are one of the higher calls for service in our community… so there’s a high volume of calls for service that are related to animals,” Rodriguez said.

The City of Clovis currently employs two animal service officers, but they typically only work during the day. That leaves police officers to fill in the gaps during the night.

The other members of the City Council felt the potential benefits outweighed any negative impacts the change could have.

Ryan Kish
Ryan graduated from Buchanan High School in 2018 and is currently a student at Clovis Community College and plans to transfer to a four-year school to complete a degree in journalism or political science. Ryan was born in Pennsylvania, has lived in four states, and thinks the Yankees need to be more creative with the design of their batting practice hats.