The Clovis city council held their last meeting of the month on Monday, Oct. 19. One of the items discussed was the proposed rezoning of approximately 30 acres located near Clovis Avenue and Dakota Avenue.
The rezoning will be a mix of commercial, residential and industrial zones to just commercial and light industrial.
The site used to hold a former winery that was abandoned in the 1970s and in the mid 2010s the building was torn down due to it being condemned. This rezone site is also adjacent to the current Clovis Area Recreation Center. The entire site is surrounded by residential zones and a ponding basin to the south east.
The rezoned area will create approximately 49 structures to be used for commercial and industrial buildings.
There were concerns of noise and traffic by residents who live near the proposed development. The development will also make two main entities and exits, one going to Clovis Avenue and another going to Dakota Avenue.
Councilmembers all had similar concerns with noise and traffic, but they also had problems with the concept art for the proposed buildings. They did not like the renderings presented and felt that since the development is near the entrance to the city that it should look more appealing to the people driving by.
They were assured by the developer that this was only a concept of what the buildings might look like and that this was not the final plan.
Another concern by the council was what kind of an impact this project would have on the Clovis Area Recreation Center. They were assured that the rec center would benefit because there will be more parking spaces available for the center to use.
Councilmember Lynne Ashbeck talked about how this neighborhood needed to feel like they were part of Clovis.
“This is our last chance for that neighborhood to feel like they are connected to Clovis,” Ashbeck said. “I think we have a special obligation in this part of town to try to build that in so they can feel connected.”
The council voted and approved both the environmental findings and the rezoning in order for the project to move forward.
However, Mayor Drew Bessinger mentioned that the expectations on this project are going to be high and that the planning staff will be letting the council know if the expectations are not met.