City releases statement regarding discolored water

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Residents in the southeast area of Clovis have experienced discolored water lately, but city officials say it’s nothing to worry about.

The discoloration, as it turns out, “is caused by the sudden increase in water demand combined with ramped up flow from our Surface Water Treatment Plant due to the higher temperatures we have experienced in the last few days,” according to a statement issued by the city on April 26. 

To address the issue, city crews flushed the lines in the areas that have been affected.

Meanwhile, the water continues to meet permitted standards required by the Safe Drinking Water Act.

For more information, or questions, contact the Public Utilities Department at (559) 324-2600.

Daniel Leon
A native of Woodlake, Daniel Leon is a recent graduate of Fresno State with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism. Daniel served as Sports Editor at The Collegian, Fresno State’s student-run newspaper, prior to joining the Roundup. Got a story idea? Email him at