Clovis Citywide yard sale set for April 13-14


The annual Clovis Citywide Yard Sale is approaching.

This year’s event is set for April 13 and 14.

Sponsored by the City of Clovis and Republic Services, the citywide yard sale provides an opportunity for residents to reuse/recycle items, find some hidden treasures, and interact with their neighbors.

“Your participation helps Clovis to reduce the amount of material that ends up in its landfill, extending the life of the landfill and reducing our impact on the planet,” according to a joint statement from the city and Republic Services.

To place or browse yard sale ads, visit

For more information, contact Republic Services at (559) 275-1551.

Daniel Leon
A native of Woodlake, Daniel Leon is a recent graduate of Fresno State with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism. Daniel served as Sports Editor at The Collegian, Fresno State’s student-run newspaper, prior to joining the Roundup. Got a story idea? Email him at