Clovis Community College President converses with students and community members

Clovis Community College President Dr. Kim E Armstrong with the "Clovis Crush" mascot and students who came to visit the Coffee With the President event (Photo provided by Stephanie Babb, Clovis Community College).

Dr. Kim E Armstrong speaking with students at Coffee with the President (Photo provided by Stephanie Babb, Clovis Community College).

July 31, 2024 – Dr. Kim E Armstrong, the President of Clovis Community College (CCC), and some of her staff members met with students a third time for an outreach event partnering with local Starbucks stores.

The event, “Coffee with the President,” was a community event for the community to meet Armstrong personally and discuss recent updates with the college. Coffee and pastries were also provided for those attending.

This was all done by the inspiration of Ruben Diaz, the Dean of Instruction at CCC, who thought of doing a community outreach event for students and community members to interact with the President and learn more about the college.

Armstrong explained, “At Clovis, it’s not all about the President. I have layers of people who are very valuable, student- and community-minded.”

In speaking about why they decided to host the event off-campus, she added, “It’s very nice because sometimes people feel intimidated coming to campus because it’s so big.”

Lots of community college staff, including Armstrong, welcomed people as they walked in the door, offering coffee and pastries but also information about the college.

On the table, attendees were invited to take a copy of the college’s annual report, a magazine-style booklet with visually-appealing information about things like student demographics, resources to increase student success, and their new state-of-the-art facilities.

David Anthony-Navarro, the Outreach Specialist at CCC, also made an appearance at the event. He explained the importance behind hosting things like these for people to connect more with school staff and have a bigger involvement in what goes on in Clovis Community.

He stated, “It gives [Armstrong] an opportunity to connect with the community … this really gives her the grounds to meet people and make that connection.”

The booklet being given out for Clovis Community’s Annual Report also shared a lot of information inviting people to check out the classes and programs the school has.

It provides a multitude of statistics from the previous school year, such as the fact that there were 13,142 students the community college served in 2023, and that 196 students received scholarships totaling to an amount of $120,700.

The school officials are also proud of their contributions to students in financial need through their clothing closet and food pantry. The clothing closet offers a variety of business / professional attire for students to use for internships, job interviews, and other employment opportunities.

Those same pages also inform potential students of the opportunity to attend community college free for their first two years of school.

This has also been highlighted by Stephanie Babb, the Director of Marketing & Communications at CCC. She explained that as long as students meet certain requirements, enrollment fees for community college may be waived for two years regardless of income.

Students interested in this opportunity are encouraged to attend Extreme Registration, which takes place August 2nd from 1-6PM and August 3rd from 9AM-2PM, or contact the school’s financial aid office at (559)325-5239 or

Hannah-Grace Leece:
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