The award winning Cottage Home Program in the City of Clovis is expanding. Currently available in the Old Town area, beginning May 8 residents throughout the City of Clovis whose properties qualify can participate in the popular program.
The Cottage Home Program provides free building plans to qualifying homeowners to construct a second home on their property, as well as City support throughout the process. The program was launched in August of 2017 to address the growing need for affordable housing as well as encouraging infill residential development in the Old Town area on properties with alley access. Now the City is pleased to make these plans available to qualifying property owners with alley access across Clovis.
Dwight Kroll, Director of Planning and Development Services for the City of Clovis said, “We are thrilled that the City of Clovis is now able to provide property owners throughout Clovis with the opportunity to take advantage of this unique affordable housing program. By expanding outside of Old Town we are essentially doubling the number of properties on which cottage homes could be built.”
The City developed three plans for small, cottage homes which can fit in variety of existing residential properties. These plans are offered free of charge, which can save qualifying property owners thousands of dollars. All plans are for cottage homes under 450 square feet and are intended to face into alleys. This has helped to revitalize City alleys and create more affordable housing.
To date there are 10 completed cottage homes and one under construction. Property owners are using their new cottage homes in a variety of ways including mother-in-law suites, rental properties and home offices.
The City of Clovis Cottage Home Program has been recognized nationally by The American Planning Association for addressing the need for affordable housing.
Also available beginning May 8, in partnership with the City of Clovis, Self-Help Enterprises will provide financing to eligible property owners seeking funding to build a cottage home.
For more information and to see the cottage plans please visit: www.ClovisCottageHomes.com