Starting November 16 through November 29, Clovis PD along with law enforcement agencies across the country will be encouraging residents to wear a seat belt and keeping their children properly secured while driving.
Clovis PD will have additional patrol vehicles driving around the city looking for drivers and passengers who are not wearing seat belts. They will also be looking for drivers who do not properly secure their children as well.
According to a report, Californians seat belt usage was 96 percent in 2019 but there was a drop in seat belt usage in back seat passengers.
In a recent report, the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) reported that only 76 percent of back seat passengers wore seat belts.
“Wearing a seat belt is your best defense on the road”, Officer Ferguson with the traffic unit said. “It only takes a few seconds and helps keep you and your family safe.”
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly 15,000 lives were saved because of seat belts, from ages 5 and older in 2017.
A seat belt citation costs $162.
State law requires a child be properly secured in a safety car seat in the second row of a vehicle, when available, until they are at least 8 years of age.
Children under the age of 2 must ride rear-facing or until they reach 40 pounds or 40 inches in height.
California has a primary seat belt law, which allows police officers to ticket someone for not wearing a seat belt without committing another traffic violation.