Creek Fire Continues to Grow with 283K Acres Burned

The Creek Fire began on Friday evening on September 4, 2020. (Courtesy of

The Creek Fire has grown to 283,724 acres as of this morning; CAL Fire reports containment of 30 percent with 3,171 personnel.

As of yesterday afternoon, there was a notice sent by the Fresno County Public Health to inform residents that certain areas can repopulate. That map for those specific areas eligible for re-entry can be found on Fresno County’s website.

For the Road infrastructure near Tollhouse house is 50 percent complete. That will have a determination as well if residents in that area can return to their homes.

No changes at Shaver Lake, CAL Fire are confident that the area is controlled. Mopping and patrol will continue in that area, making sure to take care of hazardous trees and infrastructure damage that could affect communication lines.

Huntington Lake continues with spot fires, but all are being monitored with no movement. China Peak continues to catch fire without infrastructure damage; although the flames have reached the more secluded areas, the fire threatens to reach the ski lifts.

North of Huntington, Kaiser Pass Road is still being threatened by the fire, which is a pathway to gazing Field, Mono Lake, and Lake Edison. CAL Fire ran a full model predicting where the fire edge may slow down close patrolling is being down in that area to avoid fire spread.

The last two days have been clear and sunny skies with less smoke giving the advantage for helicopter torch operations.

Most of the smoke has dissipated but is still lingering. Full containment date remains October 15, 2020.

Tori Lavon
Tori Lavon is a Multimedia Journalist from Reedley, California. She received her Bachelor's in Mass Communications and Journalism with an emphasis in Broadcasting from California State University, Fresno. Currently, she is a radio intern at One Putt Broadcasting. On occasion, Tori has the opportunity to be on-air with talent. She is getting her start in media. She has a passion for reporting, photography, and videography. Tori also has a love for art; she loves to draw, paint, and does pottery on the side. One day she hopes she can be on-air talent at a radio station as well.