February 21, 2024 – After discussion at the latest CUSD School Board meeting, Clovis Unified has released a third boundary map for possible induction in the future of Clovis Unified.
That map was released to the public with the intention of providing information and options for the public to have.
According to a CUSD released statement, Clovis Unified is in the midst of a months-long school attendance boundary study determining necessary updates that seek to balance school attendance capacities.
This includes the plan for the opening of the Terry Bradley Educational Center and to prepare for future housing growth and influx of new students.
Two initial map proposals (Scenario 1 and Scenario A) were released in January for review and feedback, and they were followed by several community meetings.
No decision has been reached and all three map scenarios remain under consideration.
On March 29, a final and fourth recommended map will be released for review, and the CUSD Governing Board will decide whether to take action on it in April.
If updates are approved, the new attendance map would take effect next year, in the Fall of 2025.
When that new attendance map is to take place, there was discussion at last week’s board meeting as to whether which groups of students will have to move schools and which would be granted the option of staying with their original schools.
According to another CUSD statement, this third released scenario builds on the two scenarios released in late January and includes changes that reflect an analysis of community feedback to this point while still achieving the goals of the study mentioned above.
Wherever possible, the newly released scenario attempts to address requests made on the number of students that will be impacted by proposed moves, the use of future development areas that will help balance enrollment and minimize impact of existing homeowners, and an attempt to keep whole neighborhoods together rather than move a certain subsection to other school sites.
Also included in the report is the impact of refining areas of the map where study areas split houses that are across a residential street from each other.
CUSD states, “Community feedback we’ve received about requests to expand access to transfers and/or extend options for students wishing to remain at their existing schools are still being analyzed against the goals of the study. When a final recommendation is released in late March, more information about the extent to which the district can make accommodations to address that feedback will be available.”
“The third scenario will be discussed at upcoming school SART/Parent meetings, and we encourage you to watch for more information from your local school for the date and time of meetings in your area. To view the Silver Scenario and/or to submit online feedback visit https://www.cusd.com/BoundaryChangesTBEC.aspx.”
A lady said that someone bought land in the area that they want to improve and that’s why they started the land being built there.