Clovis Unified’s business team has done it again.
For the 20th year in a row, the district’s administrative services and finance department has attained the prestigious Association of School Business Officials International Meritorious Budget Award.
The Association of School Business Officials International annually recognizes public school districts that demonstrate transparency and credibility in their budget display.
CUSD is the only school district in California to receive the award for 20 consecutive years.
Board president Jim Van Volkinburg presented a plaque to Michael Johnston, the Associate Superintendent of Administrative Services, and his team after reading an honorable resolution.
The resolution acknowledged that CUSD has a total budget that exceeds $600 million between numerous accounts and funding sources and that the district’s core philosophy “our schools belong to the community” encourages transparency and accountability with every dollar.
In addition to the 20-year-streak, the district has had clean audits with zero findings for three consecutive years.
Board member Brian Heryford said receiving the award 20 consecutive years is quite an accomplishment, comparable perhaps only to the Clovis West golf team’s 13-year win streak.
“I want to congratulate our business department for 20 years,” Heryford said. “I always marvel and am stunned when the Clovis West golf team wins 13 years in a row and that coach always has freshmen. Thirteen consecutive years is a lot, but 20 years to have a meritorious budget award. I can remember coming to board meetings and hearing about all the findings at all the different school sites and this is amazing from a board standpoint. Congratulations to the business department. You have a good handle on it. Continue the good work.”