December 17, 2023 – A trial run of the Community Heritage Center’s “Family Day” was run on Saturday, December 16th, as families made their way into the historical museum from the hours of 10-12.
There will be a second Family Day event hosted by the Clovis Veterans Memorial District on Wednesday December 27th.
Family Day is a Christmas themed event that the CVMD hopes will provide families with another historical look at the Christmas holiday from a different point of view.
CVMD’s Community Heritage Center Coordinator Vaughan Rios believes that the Family Day is a new and creative way to bring families out and participate in the Heritage Center’s exhibits.
“Our goal is to create events that are fun and interesting for families to come in and see it in our space but also see it in a new way. Our exhibit right now is about the early 1900’s and we have a Christmas story that’s called ‘Shooting at the Stars’”.
Shooting at the Stars was read and will be read at Family Day for families to listen to and discuss in a new light of the Christmas holiday. Rios says, “It’s about the Christmas truce of 1914, so it matches the era of our timeline.”
With cookies, cocoa, and crafts for family members to also partake in, the Community Heritage Center is also attempting to create a family friendly event with things like Christmas ornaments and “Christmas crackers” which turns out to be a British holiday tradition.
The Heritage Center is currently making changes to their World War I exhibit with the idea that even bigger changes will occur next year.
“Our goal is to create family events like this throughout the course of the year. We are looking to create events in the springtime, over summer break and then fall and Christmas. We’re trying to get family activities together and day-camp like things for families to enjoy in.”
If you missed family day on the 16th you can still enjoy the activities that the Community Heritage Center has to offer on Wednesday, December 27th from 10-12. “[Come ready to expect] Interesting stories, probably a different kind of Christmas story, and just an opportunity to explore the Heritage Center in a different way than you’re accustomed to.”