The City of Fresno made a “shelter in place” order Wednesday, March 18, in the latest step to limit the spread of the coronavirus.
The order allows residents to leave their homes to perform essential functions, such as to go grocery shopping, work, attend doctor appointments and pick up prescriptions. The order also instructs Fresno residents to practice social distancing by staying at least six feet away from others when outside of the home.
Essential businesses that are exempt from the order include healthcare providers, utility companies, government services, homeless service providers, media, farming, childcare services, at-home senior care providers, hardware stores, farming, schools, mailing and shipping services, Laundromats, take-out restaurants, transportation providers, office supply stores, plumbers, exterminators and electricians.
The order goes into effect March 19 and will last until at least March 31.
The city and health officials hope the order will “flatten the curve,” or avoid a spike in cases that would overwhelm hospitals.
There were two confirmed cases in Fresno County as of March 18, according to the Fresno County Public Health Department. Both cases are travel related, meaning that there are no confirmed cases of community transmission.
The order applies to all Fresno residents who live within city limits, but does not apply to the greater Fresno County.
“The County of Fresno is not implementing similar measures for County residents and rather encourages the community to continue being vigilant in their efforts to practice social distancing, effective hygiene, and minimize public contact in line with current CDC and State guidance,” the county said in a statement.
The City of Clovis will not follow suit, however.
“The City of Clovis is not taking similar actions at this time and continues to follow the guidelines provided by the Fresno County Public Health Department on this and other matters related to COVID-19,” the city said in a statement.
Clovis issued a state of emergency March 16. On March 17, the city issued a mandate to close bars and pubs and limit restaurants to take out orders only.
More information on coronavirus-related actions enacted by the City of Clovis can be found at cityofclovis.com/covidinfo.