Wisely using a credit card to shop for Christmas gifts makes things easier. So long as you don’t get carried away and plunge into serious debt, using a credit card for holiday shopping can reduce stress. Be sure to watch your balance and shopping budget throughout the season so you won’t be facing a big bill in the New Year.
Over the next several weeks, you’ll be tempted to overspend many times. That’s why it’s important to use your credit card efficiently, effectively, and economically. Here are some benefits and tips:
Avoid the crowds. Yes, the stores will be crowded, and there will be lines at your bank and nearby ATMs. Streamline your shopping by using a credit card, then manage it online from the comfort of your own home.
Be better organized. People with big families will have long lists of gifts to buy. By using your credit card for gift purchases, it’s easy to compare your online credit card statement to your shopping list and make sure that no one has been left out.
Plan your budget. Don’t wait until you’re in the store to start adding up your purchases. Make a budget for Christmas shopping and stick to it. Look for pre-Christmas clearance sales, but budget for regular pricing.
Don’t get carried away. Black Fridays, door busters, and special sales events are attractive, but they can also land you in a pit of debt if you’re not careful.
Start holiday shopping now. Spread your credit card spending over multiple billing cycles so it’s easier to make the maximum monthly payments, instead of putting all the stress on your January paychecks.
Get a low-rate, no annual fee credit card that pays rewards. Check out the MyRewards Platinum VISA credit card available to Noble Credit Union members. Earn vacation travel and lodging, shopping, dining and other rewards at popular local and national venues, using a card with super low rates and no annual fee.
Be better off. Noble Credit Union, a Forbes Best-in-State Credit Union, offers members low rates on loans and full access to a wide range of financial services, including checking and savings accounts with no monthly fees, online and mobile banking, and low rate MyRewards VISA credit cards. For more information about membership in Noble Credit Union, call (559) 252-5000 or visit NobleCU.com.