H.W. McCormick was editor of the weekly Clovis Tribune newspaper. Subscriptions were $1.50 yearly, six months .75 or three months .50 (in advance). “Birth, marriage and death notice published free of charge, but they must come in a reliable way.”
The following articles appeared in the April 6, 1906 edition.
R.E.L. Good advertisement (our first merchant) displayed the $350 piano the Tribune was offering in a contest to increase their subscribers. The following ladies brought in the most votes for the contest: Miss Lucy McAfee, Miss Lula Smith (she would marry Dr. M. S. McMurtry in 1911) and Mrs. Katherine Bell who would serve as our postmistress from 1910 to 1924.
A surprise April Fools party was held in the Temperance Colony, which was located south of Mill Ditch, McKinley between Fowler and Temperance. The Colony was established by Moses J. Church in 1877. We recognize him as “father” of our canal system. He was a devout Seventh Day Adventist and asked families who lived there, “not to make or sell any intoxicating liquors,” thus the name Temperance.
The Royal Neighbors organized the outing and supplied a tallyho (a fast pleasure coach pulled by four horses) and several private buggies that delivered guests to the Hawthorne residence. It was noted “merry games” were played and an abundant supper was served.
The editor addressed the need to be a “good citizen and not to hide the true status of possessions when the assessor arrived.” He stated, “A sin of omission is equally as reprehensible as a sin of commission.” He also noted twenty thousand people in Spokane, WA cleaned the city of refuse and filth. They were not paid and the editor suggested, “It would be a grand good thing for our coast line and the great San Joaquin Valley.”
The DeWitt Land Co., (pioneer Frank Drury was their agent) advertised, “Your choice among our best residence lots, for one week at half price. Must have money.”
The McCord Hall, located north of the north west corner of Clovis and Fourth, advertised admission to their program, .25 and .15 cents. Some acts of entertainment included seven young ladies that would pantomime with music “Nearer My God to Thee,” a pantomime Cantata and Tableau of “The Ten Virgins” portrayed by ten young ladies, a comedy without voice in three acts, and “Blessed, not quite so blessed and doubly blessed.” It was not until 1916 that the first Clovis Theater kiss would be allowed.
The 1902 Hotel Hoblitt, North West corner of Fourth and Pollasky, advertised, “One block west of depot. Fine rooms, well furnished, meals 25 cents.” The third floor of the hotel was destroyed by fire in 1927.
The Mint, Needham & Null advertisement, “The purest of brews on draught. Bottled beers for family use. The absolute purity and medicinal quality of our best beer makes it a household necessity. Try a few bottles or a case. Call and sample our goods.” They were located on Front Street (Clovis Ave). We would become a “dry” community after our incorporation as a city on February 27, 1912.
The McCormick Realty Co. advertised 320 acres, grain ranch $5,760, terms; 15 acres two miles from Clovis, 8 ½ acres Muscat vines, 8 years old, balance pasture and alfalfa, house 24×24, barn 10×24 with sheds, chicken, house and yard, $1,400 and a new residence 4 rooms and pantry, two lots, fenced $600. Half cash.
Dr. G. H. Bland completed his training at the County Hospital and established his residence and office at the Hoblitt Hotel.
The Clovis Hotel was built in 1896 on the North West corner of Clovis Ave and Fourth Street (opposite the Southern Pacific Depot). The proprietor, Mr. E. M. Dineen, advertised the three story hotel as providing good bed 25 cents and best meal in town also 25 cents. The hotel was destroyed by fire in 1913.
It happened in Clovis in 1906. It is a part of our rich heritage.