What happens when the Senior Class President and a few of his friends decide they would like to leave school early? They end up taking the entire high school with them.
This is what happened at Clovis High School in 1962 and it resulted in what has become known as The Perfect Prank.
Hosted by Peg Bos, the Let’s Talk Clovis event was held on October 9 and was attended by Clovis High School class of 1962-64 alumni, family and friends.
Pastor John Douglas, who was Senior Class President at the time, recounted the story of how his class pulled off the perfect prank by, surprisingly easily, convincing the faculty to let the students leave two hours early.
Pastor Douglas recalled feeling horribly guilty about the prank because the vice principal caught a lot of flack from the principal. But, he said with an impish grin, “I was also pretty proud.”
Attendees had a wonderful time reminiscing and sharing their own stories about that extraordinary day.