August 23, 2024 – Every Friday at 10:30 in the morning, the Main Hall at the Senior Activity Center in Clovis is bustling with activity and music as the De Leon Brothers Band performs live music for visitors.
This is just one of several activities the center hosts every hour in their expansive, multi-purpose facility in Old Town Clovis.
The band consists of two brothers and a close friend who perform at the hall every week, playing a variety of tunes ranging from Tex Mex to folksy to oldies.
Ruben De Leon, the band’s drummer, stated that he enjoys the atmosphere of the center. He stated, “All the people enjoy our music, we enjoy seeing them dancing. They all have a good time and they’re always friendly to us.”
That friendly, vibrant atmosphere was not missed on Friday, August 23, when the brothers went back for another performance. The crowd once again came alive with the music when they began playing, and attendees got out on the dance floor.
Jim De Leon, who plays bass and sings for the band, also commented on the good times he’s shared with his bandmates. He stated, “We’ve been playing together for a nice probably five years and we’re just … I don’t know, it just works.”
He explained how the band has been performing together since before the new, updated senior center had been built. The new building has brought an uptick in the visitors to their performances.
He recalled previous experiences performing in the center, stating, “Just wait until you see the people. As soon as we start coming [here] and playing, they’ll dance and go out.”
And that’s exactly what happened – as soon as the band started playing, the tables surrounding the venue were vacated by people coming to dance together. Whether they were connecting with other visitors to the center or enjoying the time with a close friend, family member, or significant other, everyone seemed to have a great time.
Some people line danced to the music, moving in sync with the friends that surrounded them, while others embraced their partner, holding them tightly before twirling around on the hardwood floors.
Mark Gonzalez, a member of the Senior Activity Center and one of the attendees at the event, explained that the center had a variety of ways to keep people entertained for the whole day. He stated, “These older people, they love it, you know? Some of these people like to come here every day.”
Gonzalez brings his mother to the center a few days a week to spend time with the other people, participating in a variety of activities, such as exercising in the fitness center and listening to the live music.
Whether it’s these live music events or the other variety of activities the center puts on, they are certain to not disappoint the seniors – age 50 and above – that visit. These visitors eagerly await to see what the future will bring for the Clovis Senior Activity Center.