Des Haus, who grew up in Huron and graduated from Fresno State, decided to move to Clovis with her family. Haus also works for a strategic energy company where she said she works with various organizations that are involved in the government.
Haus said she never imagined herself running for office after working with politicians through her regular work day routine, but Haus said her catalyst to run for city council stemmed from the fact that Clovis had three open seats this election.
“With there being three open seats it was just a little concerning that maybe we could have someone come in and just disrupt the system because I’ve seen so many cities that it would just be very detrimental to what made Clovis, Clovis,” Haus said.
Haus said since she has always been a “don’t talk about it be about it” type of person, she said she knew no one would be a better advocate for her kids or other families better than her.
Economic growth and development, public safety, and local control are the issues that Haus is focusing on through her campaign. With a focus on economic growth and development, Haus said the more people who are able to move to Clovis and experience the city is phenomenal but at the same time Haus said she believes there should be an opportunity for people to work in Clovis also.
“Our city needs tax revenue and more economic growth and development. That revenue could come to the city right now. Nobody wants to be the suburb of Fresno but some people are living in Clovis and working in Fresno and Fresno gets that revenue which in turn creates this shortfall,” Haus said.
Haus said that even if Measure B passes she doesn’t think it will be enough for Clovis.
“If we don’t start to grow in our economic development market then we might have to pass a tax measure,” Haus said.
Making sure no stone is left unturned in the search for options is a reason Haus said she feels qualified for the position if elected.
A hobby of Haus’ is routinely looking for grants and different legislation that are out there to provide funding to accomplish goals such as her economic growth and development plan.
“Instead of scrolling on Instagram I’m looking at what bill got passed today,” Haus said.
Haus said when it comes to understanding the “convoluted” writing of legislation she is ready to offer more support because it is an area that can always use more help.
In a crowded field of candidates Haus said Clovis should be proud of the amount of people who are interested and willing to advocate for others. Haus said in a field of so many candidates, she feels her ability to work collaboratively regardless of party affiliation is what helps set her apart from the crowd.
“I look at the bigger picture. I look at the Clovis community and I believe looking at what serves the community best is what needs to be done. I believe in collaborative work together and it doesn’t have anything to do with a party. So I think one thing that sets me aside is that I come from humble beginnings in Huron and I choose to live in Clovis. I wasn’t born here and when I had the opportunity to pick where I wanted to live we knew we wanted to be in Clovis,” Haus said.