Joshua Phanco a Clovis resident since 2005 and owner of an All State insurance agency in Clovis for the past four years said that his catalyst to run for this position is because Phanco believes Clovis is at a “critical point”.
“We’re facing extraordinary challenges due to our rapid growth that I think could start impacting the Clovis lifestyle, and the Clovis way of life that we have all come to love.” Phanco said.
For Phanco, issues such as public safety, a business friendly environment to attract new businesses, responsible growth that builds on the Clovis way of life, and high standards to maintain the quality of life in Clovis are his focus.
Phanco said he believes his experience as a business owner and building relationships with the community through volunteer opportunities is what has prepared him to potentially serve the same people he has a “connection” with.
“I think one giant qualifier is that I have good roots here. I believe that my experience as a business owner demands a lot of you and teaches you a lot with regard to understanding how to take care of managing a budget, growth, finding ways to fund growth, finding ways to pay for growth,managing expenses, being physically conservative and finding ways to make the most out of everything that you have.” Phanco said.
When asked what set him apart from the crowded field of candidates, he said he feels that his perspective as a small business owner who understands the feeling of “financially ranking things month to month” would help bring a unique perspective to the position.
“That’s not to say that there haven’t been people that have been instrumental in helping businesses or operating on things. But I believe [my perspective] is unique in the sense that I have that unique position of being a small business owner that has employees and has that expectation of delivering and I think that helps really bring that type of perspective to the council,” Phanco said.