September 6, 2024 – Today, the Governor vetoed AB 1840, which would have provided up to $150,000 of down payment assistance for the purchase of a home regardless of immigration status. The bill was met with intense opposition by the public, as California currently faces a 68 billion dollar deficit and cannot even afford to help Californians, let alone illegal immigrants.
David Tangipa issued the following statement, “I am so proud that the public was able to come together and pressure Sacramento into doing what is right, not adding another crazy spending bill to our already multi-billion dollar deficit. We cannot even afford to keep the lights on, provide clean water to our communities, and take care of our roads, yet Sacramento legislators tried to push illegal immigrant assistance onto the taxpayers.” David continued, “We should be taking care of California’s first, especially Veterans, before even considering some of these bills in Sacramento. I pledge to do something different in Sacramento by calling out California Crazy with social media, public pressure campaigns on the governor’s office, and always putting the interests of my district first.”
David Tangipa’s campaign for State Assembly District 8 pledges to do something different, calling out California Crazy by using public pressure to dictate public policy. That is why his campaign includes an extensive list of endorsers, including: Assemblyman Jim Patterson, Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer, Fresno DA Lisa Smittcamp, Fresno Sheriff John Zanoni, Peace Officers Research Association of California, California Correctional Peace Officers Association, Fresno Police Officers Association, Cal Fire, and many others.