Another beautiful week at Shaver Lake found a few boats on the lake. It was couples’ week, with Clovis residents Robert and Maria Hernandez hitting the lake in their boat, and Corky Burkdoll and friend Naomi Amador of Visalia in theirs.
The Hernandez couple did well catching and releasing nearly two limits of trout while Corky and Naomi got three limits of mostly kokanee.
The Visalia couple kept eight kokanee and two trout. The kokanee ranged from 16 to 18 inches and the trout to 16 inches.
The Hernadez’s were dragging a Joe’s fly behind a dodger and were also using a flasher crawler combination.
Corky and Naomi fished the dam to Boy Scout Cove for their fish. On the other hand, not all went for every one.
Also out on the lake was Nick Tillery, a good fisherman who had no success on his day out. His fish finder showed schools of fish and he saw several near shore in two to three feet of water, but came up empty handed.
Mike Giunnini of Paso Robles fished three days alone, catching and releasing a few trout a day to 16 inches.
Visalia couple Corky and Naomi were mainly targeting kokanee using orange hoochies, tipped with corn, behind a dodger at 25 feet. Corky reported that all their fish were found at 25 feet down. He also said while the red kokanee were somewhat soft, they were great eating.
Well, there you have it. A week of success and no success. But, that’s fall fishing. “One day chicken, the next day feathers!”
Until the snow comes, Wishon may be the hottest lake around. Both rainbows and browns.
The Department of Fish and Wildlife (DF&W) have told me that we can expect a great plant of trout next spring and early summer of about 34,000 trout from catchable to two pounds.
Also, DF&W said that the 12,000 5 inch browns that were planted last winter will be of catchable size by mid summer. Let’s throw in about 1,800 trophy trout by the Shaver Lake Trophy Trout Project.
All three of us guides have caught and released about 25 second-year kokanee, meaning that there was a spawn two years ago that might supply us some kokanee action. If you recall, DF&W did not plant kokanee fingerling two years ago.
Several of you have taken advantage of calling Shaver Lake Sports for Christmas gift certificates for family or loved ones. You can get yours by calling Debby at the store, 841-2740. Mastercard and Visa accepted.
I look forward to fishing with you this spring through September. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you out there in the fishing world.