This report comes to you at the beginning of another storm week. Shaver has had so much snow that we are assured of ample water this year; someone said it was 150 percent of normal. Five to six feet of accumulated snow from the previous weekend pretty much guaranteed the high water level this summer. I know Southern California Edison will be cautious in the spring with the lake’s water level as Memorial Day weekend snow is common. The water level could contribute to a hazardous environment on the lake but I trust good ol’ SCE and their ability to maintain the right level for the seasons.
Now, the fishing report. The snow has kept most or all boats off the lake. Shore fishermen who brave the deep snow and cold conditions are actually doing well. It seems that the trout have left the mainstream of the lake and are hitting the shore areas in search of food. Folks like Jack Benigno and his friend Amy Maciel, both from Visalia, did very well recently fishing from shore. First, they fished near Sierra Marina and caught two limits of trout to 18 inches. Two of the trout were 18 inch browns and were released. On the next day, the duo fished near the Edison Camp ramp and again picked up two limits of rainbows to 18 inches. In fact, most were right at 18 inches. They kept a few for dinner with family. Benigno and Maciel were using Berkley Gulp! in green.
Other shore fishermen have been connecting with trophy-sized fish. Speaking of trophy sized fish, I spoke with the Friant hatchery manager, Ron, recently regarding Shavers allotment this year for catchable trout. He confided in me that they would be making a plant of rainbows around four pounds each as soon as the weather permitted. Well, as of Feb. 17, it has been nothing but ugly here and I am sure that they will not plant. But, keep your eyes out for the pending plant as it will be a great week following the plant and maybe longer.
Weather will be the main factor in fishing at Shaver Lake over the next few weeks. But, if it clears, you will find some of Department of Fish and Wildlife big trout and plenty of left over trophies by the Shaver Lake Trophy Trout Project. In addition, the third year Kokanee should be hitting again. They are from the 50,000 fingerling Kokanee that were planted three years ago. Please be sure to check the Sierra Marina web cam before you come up to fish and be dressed for the cold occasion.