January 10, 2024 – The City of Clovis recently released information to the public stating that there will be a traffic alert from January 4th to April 16th at Shepherd and Sunnyside streets.
This traffic alert comes with construction being done in order to widen Shepherd Avenue, install utilities, and install a traffic signal that, according to the city, is needed.
Shepherd will be closed between Clovis and Fowler avenues, and Sunnyside will be closed between Shepherd and Nees. The city warns the public to drive carefully and follow detour signs that will be posted on Nees.
Road work began on January 4th after an initial reminder on December 20th. The project does intend to last until April 16th. Residents on Facebook have been mostly complaining of the timing of the project, with most comments under the City of Clovis post protesting the length of the road improvement.
Instead, residents have been asking for other roads in Clovis to be fixed, mostly debating whether or not the Shepherd and Sunnyside road widening is worth the length of time it is to be fixed.
For questions regarding the project, please call the Engineering Department of the Planning and Development Services Department at (559) 324-2350.