The Crews Fire just north of Gilroy in Santa Clara County, which only began yesterday, has already consumed more than 2,000 acres with 20 percent containment.
With the wildfire smoke from the Crews Fire and other several fires around the central valley, the San Joaquin Valley Air District is issuing a health caution, warning valley residents the impact of the air quality in the next few days.
SJVAD officials are advising residents to limit outdoor activity or remain indoors to reduce the exposure of particular matter (PM) emissions.
Residents with health conditions such as heart or respiratory illnesses should remain indoors. PM pollution can trigger asthma attacks and aggravate chronic bronchitis, as well as increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke.
For more information, visit www.valleyair.org or call a District office in Fresno (559-230-6000), Modesto (209-557-6400) or Bakersfield (661-392-5500).